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Edit:I ment to reply to #2

6020d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

April 1st will bring back bad memories for all the Xzombies,any one of you zombies remember Holiday 2007?...LMFAO!XD

6021d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

LMFAO!..yeah..ok..whatever you say you brainless Xzombie,while your waiting for that overpriced(Microsoft duh!)GTA IV DLC content(which I doubt you'll even complete the regular game by itself because your brainless),we PS3 owners will be playing other AAA games on our console like MGS4;)

6021d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

LOL I agree also,GTA Vice City was better than San Andreas IMO and I enjoyed it way more than I did San Andreas on the PS2;)

6022d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

LMFAO how embarrassing,enjoy your kiddy game you brainless zombies!

While your playing this POS,us REAL gamers aka PS3 owners/gamers will be playing AAA titles like MGS4,Haze,Resistance 2,Killzone 2,LBP,Socom Confrontation etc.!!!

6022d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

LOL that's how much $$$ you douchebags spent on that inferiorbox with the HD-DVDead addon and you Xzombies still pay $50 for laggy online,LMFAO Micro$haft loves you!;)

BTW my PS3 only cost me $600 at launch:P

6023d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Ban the Xbox 360 version,those Xzombies don't deserve to play games that belong on Playstation brand consoles/handheld anyway!;)

GTA IV is best on Playstation 3 and part 5 WILL be exclusive so many zombies will be missing out,jump out while you still can,well if you even can,most of you Xzombies are probably cheap as f*ck!;)

6023d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

LOL look at all butt hurt Xzombies,your god Master Chief looks better on THE superior next-gen console aka PS3 you worthless zombies!;)

6023d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

They are hiding in fear,I suggest you Xzombies start getting used to the ownage cause it ain't stopping soon!;)

6024d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

LOL it's also on the PC like the rest of them,NOT exclusive you Xzombies!

And besides,what makes this game so special,you Xzombies are so grateful for anything you get on that Turdbox 360 in 2008,hmmm...I wonder why? oh yeah,NO good games in 2008 and on! Don't worry you guys still have Banjo...LMFAO!XD

The Slaystation 3 will own you all!!!

6024d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Are you f*cking kidding me? Resistance 2 by itself WILL r@pe Tears Of Bore 2,Killzone 2 will finish the garbage,boring,laggy,repetativ e game off!

And that's all you Xzombies got to look forward to,Gears this and Gears that,guess what? the PC version of Gears 2 will be the superior version which myself and others will be enjoying until Gears makes it's way to the PS3 which Epic WILL release Gears Of War on the PS3 if they want to get anywhere in the gaming world after the PS3 t...

6025d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yeah I remember,that was nearly three years ago,things have changed,the PSP IS the superior gaming handheld with the best games like God Of War Chains Of Olympus,FFVII:Crisis Core,Patapon etc.(sales don't matter,the DS is cheap as f*ck so that's why it sells),but thats not important right now,what is important is that the Xbox 360 is in the same position the PSP was at when it first launched,no good games coming out this year for the inferiorbox 360,that's why the PS3 will dominate this year ...

6025d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Have I gone blind? Gamespot giving a good score to a game on the Playstation platform?;)

6025d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Xzombies and Nintendouchebags are the worst types of fanboys,all hail Sony and Playstation!;)

6025d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

People always hate on the best,that's why,when all the worthless Xzombies stop hating on the beast machine aka PS3 that's when you'll know they aren't as jealous..but they still are because they don't own the finest things in life,like myself and others,envy us b*tches!;

6025d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

That just means the 2009 lineup will be as powerful if not more powerful than the 2008 lineup for the PS3!

I can't wait to pick up my copy of GT5P and GTA IV(PS3) next month on Blu-Ray disc(hopefully lol if they both don't sell out)!;)

6025d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

LOL desperatesoft fails...yet AGAIN(just like all the pathetic Xbox fanboys on this site)!;)

6025d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

I own both consoles but I don't go online with the garbage box..err Xbox 360,I prefer the PS3 because it IS the superior game machine that is capable of producing AAA games like Uncharted,Ratchet,Resistance,W arhawk,but..but no PS3 game is above 90 in Metacritic...STFU you f*cking turd,play the damn game first you pile of cr@p,and Blu-Ray unlike the other inferior console,and the PS3 hasn't even released any of the beasts yet so LOL @ all the dumb Xbox fanboys,you lost...YET AGAIN,now continu...

6025d ago 7 agree4 disagreeView comment

What a dumba*s! Your acting like it will hit the PS3 one year after the Xbox 360,it's only three weeks!;)

BTW Level 55 Prestige 5 with golden shotty right here baby!

PSN ID=Wario420

6030d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

What up what up TheMART,where have you been,oh yeah you were logged in as Power Of Green...ROFLMFAO god bless you Resistance100!;)

6030d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment